Reduce My WasteReduce My Waste

Did you know...

If healthcare were a country, it would be the fifth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet, according to the non-profit organization Health Care Without Harm. While some health care environmental impacts are hard to see, understand or quantify, waste is different. It’s tangible and measurable.

Here is some concerning data:


Reusable products have proven to be more cost-effective throughout their life cycle in terms of production costs, waste and carbon footprints compared to disposables. Want to learn how to reduce your impact?

Here are some valuable tips:

How can you start reducing waste? To reduce pounds of total waste per patient day, you need to understand what is generated and how much it costs. The first step in improving waste management is to gather baseline waste data; define the problems, set goals, help educate staff and develop action plans to be implemented. - See the guide
Covid-19 is pushing hospitals to reduce waste. Did you know that 80% of isolation gowns used globally are disposable? And hospitals generate around 30 pounds of waste per patient per day. Find ways to reduce the quantity of waste by reusing and recycling when possible and adjusting procurement and packaging. - More details
Medical waste management market costs have increased from $10.3 billion in 2015 to $13.3 billion in 2020. Appropriate waste management would likely have a huge impact on those numbers. Not to mention the effect it would have on the environment. Get some tips as how to cut down your medical waste. – Here they are
Switch to reusable Isolation gowns. By using reusable gowns, you will reduce waste and cost. UCLA has conducted a study on Operating room waste. Conclusion: over 3.3 million reusable gowns were used, resulting in total financial savings of over $1.1 million. And 297 tons of waste were diverted from the landfill. - More details
Proper segregation of waste is key component. Collaborate with your linen provider on proper soiled handling and bagging solutions. Apply the key elements that could improve your health-care waste management. – Here are some suggestions
How could you reduce medical waste and save lives? Coronavirus has made medical waste more visible than ever, but the environmental footprint of healthcare goes much further. Work closely with your suppliers to select energy efficient linens and processing solutions.

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